Sunday, March 15, 2009

Phase 4: week 5 of 5

I promise that from now on I'll try to do some editing of my verbal diarrhea - I know that I had a point when I started writing my last post - but, looking at it now - I'm not sure what it was. Maybe this is why I should stick to training related posts : )

So, this last week was a slight decrease in intensity and mileage. I actually felt pretty good on my long run today. It marked the last of my four hardest weeks of training for Boston. I averaged almost 96 miles per week over the last four weeks.

This week is the last week of my fourth "phase." Other than the fact that Boston is only 5 weeks from tomorrow - it means that Saturday is my "tune-up" race - the National half-marathon in DC. I'm looking to average 5:30's - which works out to ~1:12:00. The course does have some hills - so, if I'm a little off the pace I won't be too upset.

Monday: 5.5 miles
Tuesday morning: 4 miles
Tuesday evening: 16 mi 2X(3 mi easy 4mi T pace)
1st 4 miler: 5:34+5:39+5:37+5:43=22:34 2nd 4 miler: 5:39+5:38+5:32+5:31=22:21 2 mi easy
Wednesday: 13 miles
Thursday: 10 miles 5X100m
Friday: 11.5 mi
Saturday: 9 miles
Sunday: 22 miles
Total: 91 miles

Monday: 8.5 miles
Tuesday morning: 4 miles
Tuesday evening: 17 mi 9 mi easy 6X1mi T pace 1 min rest 2 mi easy
Wednesday: 14 miles
Thursday: 9 miles 8X100m
Friday: 4 mi
Saturday: 15 miles National Half-marathon
Sunday: 8.5 miles
Total: 80 miles

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